Friday 17 December 2010

evaluation question 3

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage?

I have used media technologies very effectively throughout my production. technology was used throughout the whole production planning and even the evaluation. Technology was mostly used within the production as there were many different types of technology we had to use to produce our trailer, one of the main technologies we used for the trailer was imovie to create the sequence and put all the scenes and music in the right places to create the final teaser trailer for our film production. The trailer needed many other technologies to be used to create the final product these technologies also include garageband on the apple imac computers to help us create certain sounds we needed such as a kick drum and high pitched strings.

Within the research and planning section is where I began to use blogger much more and blogger itself is one of the main technologies I used in this section it was very helpful as I could simply keep track of what I have researched and could blog what the research meant. Blogger also alowed me to plan for my production by using other internet websites such as google to gather information on genre and teaser trailers which helped me plan for the trailer I created. The research and planning section meant that I did much more individual research into props and mise en scene of the horror genre and searched the internet using websites such as youtube to find existing horror films to help me and my group decide on what type of horror we will produce and what horror conventions we will include.

There were many different types of technologies used ranging from technological equipment to softwares and websites such as youtube and photoshop. These technologies helped me with taking the footage for my production and editing different types of ancillery texts such as our film poster on photoshop.

Media technologies were used throughout the whole project I believe I used it very effectively when it came to analysing different trailers such as "The American" and "The Grudge 2". Technology played a big part in this as it would show me how to use different technologies such as cameras for the shooting of the video and effects used to develop the footage this helped me gain ideas for my production work and develop on real media forms.

below are both the URL's for the posts of the analysing of The American and The Grudge 2.

As opposed to all the technology softwares used there were many hardware technology items used within the stages of the production as we used a sony handy camcorder this was a useful piece of technology as it allowed me and my group to film our trailer. As well as a camcorder there was use of a tripod to help keep the shots still and steady to look more proffessional. we also used a digital camera to take pictures for evidence which helped within bot the research and planning and the evaluation sections.

One of the main types of technologies used was imovie on the apple mac computers which is a software which allows you to upload footage and edit it by cuttin scenes adding effects and music it also allows you to cut the scenes and work the music with all the shots and the cuts.

Overall media technologies were used within all the stages and was very important to the completion of all the stages of the research and planning, evaluation and production. youtube was used to upload the trailer and promote the film acorss a worldwide market. After using all the different media technologies we managed to create a good film poster, magazine and most important a proffessional and well made trailer.

Thursday 16 December 2010

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

I believe that the combination of my Main product the trailer and my ancillary texts which is the film poster and the film magazine combined very well with each other. I feel that an obvious link is made between the themes of the genre and the conventions of all the media products. The main product shows a good outline of the horror genre and i believe that this is clearly shown in the film poster.

Below is a URL of a previous post showing the film poster for the campaign.

Evaluation Question 1 (Part 2)

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Evaluation Question 1 (Part 1)

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media:

My media product uses many forms and conventions of real media as our production is based on real media and how to develop on it and make it as real and as best we can. Some of the conventions we have used are production details, shots in different orders, footage that is not in the actual movie and audience certifications at the start of our trailer we have also used credits to explain the film slightly as we did not want to give away so much of the actual film in the trailer my group and me have also stuck to the conventions of film trailers by sticking to the length of a teaser trailer which is around a minute. Our video trailer production was meant to use and develop forms as opposed to challenging the conventions.

I also studied how other trailers are put in order and how different scenes of movies are used within the trailers to understand that once we had made a synopsis of a movie for ourselves it would not be as simple as just filming a short story and that there was certain conventions to follow for a trailer such as the fact that scenes in the trailer are not put in chronological order. My group has used many different conventions of a trailers within our trailer the conventions include the production details and an audience viewing certification. Our trailer also consists of differentiating shots and angles throughout all the different scenes of the trailer. Our media product more or less develops on conventions as our concept and ideas are similar to others within the market our films concept is revenge and is a psychological horror therefore have developed our trailer based on films such as the grudge and the ring which also are psychological horrors which contain the same types of antagonists and protagonists as our film idea and trailer production.

My production develops many forms of media as teaser trailers do not give a lot of the movie away as shown in previous posts where the trailers only give the audience a signification of characters and genre as opposed to giving away the story or the main plots and dilemmas in the film, Our production tries to develop this by showing shots of the film in different orders. My production also gives a strong sense of the genre this comes from the music used and different sound effects which follow the conventions of real media by using typical music and sound effects that represents the horror genre such as creaking doors, strings and wind noises, sounds are an effect way of setting a genre for a film or trailer for the audiences to get a sense of what type of film the trailer is trying to promote. This is shown in a previous post of the grudge trailer where strings are used effectively to set a scene and represent the genre of the film this is where our production has developed on real media as we have used different sounds shown in different trailers such as "The ring" and "The Grudge" and combined them in different scenes shown within our trailer to create a specific atmosphere.

below are URL's from previous posts i have done to express the ways in which i have developed real media in my production:

the URL above shows how i have used real media to help me decide a title and ensure that the title has relation to the horror genre and my production. this shows a develolment in real media as i have used to different films to improve apon the title I have chosen.

The above URL shows how I have tried to develop further on real media as i have analysed how The Ring correlates with my work this lets me understand how i can improve on my production based the improvements that could have been made in other films which in this case is The Ring

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Production Logo

to create a production logo was hard because we had to create a whole new idea and business logo for this to be at the beginning of our film trailer we created many different logos as shown below.
Above is the one we did not.
above was the one we chose and created for our production details

above is our film poster we have chose a simple image to express the meaning of our film and have decided to not use as much effects and let the image speak for itself. this was not the first poster created there where others which we did not choose because my group and me thought they did not look professional enough to be seen as a film campaigns poster.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Target Audience Profile

Above is a URL link to a target audience profile for a psychological horror. I have uploaded this URL because it links to what my group needs to do for our target audience profile for our potential audience and how we can go about writing it.

Our target audience is from the ages of 15 - 30+ as the certificate age of our film we be a 15+ film. we have chosen this age group because our horror production we are creating will be more of a psychological horror therefore we appeal to the older audiences with that aspect of the genre. We appeal to the younger audience because of the sheer horror aspects which most younger audiences look for in horrors to have a sense of fear and fright.

Our film production aims to a rather wide audience as we do not aim the film at any people of a certain class the film will be made for all types of people lower, middle and the ruling class as the film will have intelligence as an aspect because of the fact that its a psychological horror it also fulfills the main concepts of horror films which is to scare the audience.

Synopsis of "The Abandoned"

Synopsis for ‘The Abandoned’

Mr .George Smith and Janet Smith are living a perfectly normal life with their 10 year old daughter, Amy Smith. Everything is going well for them, with the parents enjoying a healthy relationship, a good lifestyle with both of them in a full time job which gives them both financial and social benefits. They have been living together in the house for 13 years in the city which they have spent a long time making as homely as possible both for themselves and for their daughter. One 16/10/1999 an unfortunate sequence of events led to the house catching fire, Sadly the parents were out as they break free from the monotony of the week by going out for dinner, leaving Amy alone in the house. Later that night Amy awakes to the smell of burning smoke. Looking around wide eyed she sees her room enveloped by dark smoke. Coughing as she leaves her room Amy notices there is no escape, at this moment a powerful rage takes over Amy, how could her parents abandon her?. Later that evening the fire brigade manage to pull Amy’s body out from the burning building, her face was emotionless and her eyes were still wide open. 16/10/2010 a young couple buy the old Smith residence, believeing it was the place to raise their unborn child, little did they know about the events that took place at the house 11 years ago. The young couple Jane and sebastien will have to withstand the eerie things that ocurr in the this house, they are physically and mentally terrorized by the evil re-incarnation of Amy smith.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

The Abandoned - Choosing a Title

Me and the rest of my group have come up with the idea to name our film "The Abandoned". We have chosen this name because it relates to the narrative of the movie therefore giving audiences a sense of what the film will be about which can essentially intrigue the target audience to our film production, this is much like "The grudge" which also gives a sense of the narrative away. We used the name "The Abandoned" because it was short and simple and it has something to do with the film ad the plot.

The abandoned as a title is good as it gives a sense of isolation to the audience which can essentially be seen as a concept of genre most characters within the horror films are isolated as seen in "The Ring" where the little girl is isolated within the video or even in other types of horrors such as slasher horrors where characters such as "Freddy Krueger" in "Nightmare on Elm Street".
This image from the "Nightmare on Elm Street" shows the isolation of the main character "Freddy Krueger"

The abandoned adds a fearful factor to the film because no human would like to be left abandoned therefore it gives a sense of fear for the audience and the fact that horror films can show barley anything within a scene and still can be scary and add a fear to the film as shown in "Paranormal activity" where very little is shown but still adds fear to the scene.
This screen grab from the trailer of "Paranormal Activity" shows very little happening in the scene but adds a weary effect to the trailer which fundamentally can entice the audience and create fear.

Monday 11 October 2010

How "The Ring" trailer correlates with my work

I uploaded the ring trailer because me and my group have planned on having a young girl as our main character. I felt that the trailer of the ring may be appropriate because and my group will be able to take camera techniques of how they have made the girl look "scary", i also felt that it could help us understand more about costume and different props we may be able to use. I believe that the trailer alone could help my group create a narrative and give us many ideas on how we can make the young girl our main protagonist.

I took the image above off the trailer for The Ring this is a snapshot of the young girl and the main character which is meant to bring fear into the film. the fact that The Ring was able to do this with a young girl was amazing as the stereotypes of Young girls are the complete opposite as to what the young girl in The Ring is. I think this will be useful for me because my group has decided that our film trailer which we will be creating will be based on a young girl. i used this particular snapshot because i thought it created a sense of danger as we see in the girls face and thought this will be appropriate for me as me and my group can take notes of the costume and colours in the backgrounds and possibly work that into our own production.

the URL above is a link to a website which gives the narrative/synopsis of the story to The Ring I have included this because i thought it would be good for my production as my group can take ideas and use ideas of the storyline and possibly embed that within our trailer and different scenes.

The Ring Official Trailer HQ

Above is the film trailer to the horror film "The ring". The trailer shows a slight narrative of the film and gives the audience scenes where the horror concepts plays. the trailer uses credits to establish more of an adult feel to it as opposed to having a voice over which may take the appeal away from its older target audience.

Further concepts of genre

In this Microsoft word presentation I outlined some of the different concepts within the horror genre. The diagram was meant to give a short and simple idea of basic concepts of horror, the presentation will be used to give me a good idea and understanding on concepts so i can therefore use in my own trailer production. The diagram included examples of past horror films such as "Frankenstein" and included music features and what types of soundtracks may be appropriate.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Applying the recognisable conventions of trailers

In this video we worked in groups to talk about the conventions of movie trailers, and we created our own quick trailer and spoke about how we used main conventions of trailers and the horror genre.

Friday 17 September 2010


This is a task that we did in class as a group. The point of the task was to understand what we need to research to have a better understanding for our trailer. It was also to string ideas together for our trailer.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Analysing a film Trailer: The Grudge 2

#At what point in the trailer are we told the name of the film, why is this?

We are shown the name of the film at the beginining and end of the sequence for a number of reasons. Firstly showing the name at the begining and end focuses the target audiences attention to the narrative/storyline during the main part of the sequence. Secondly showing the name at the begining emphasises the tension and heightens audience anticipation. Furthermore showing it at the end creates brand awarness and reminds viewers of the film and producers.

#Why are we told who is starring in the film?

We aren't. This is because in many horror movies the character is not the main asepect of the film neither is it the USP. Many films of different genres will use different actors and actresses as there unique selling point to try and persuade the audience to watch the film.

#What type of action from the film do we see?

From the film many close up shots of the creature, or whatever is haunting them to heighten audience anticipation and tension. Furthermore many action shots are taken of the victim and also close ups. These show the protaganist and atagonist in the film. This tells as what the narrative is for the story and also gives us clues and hints as a target audience so that we are enticed and want to go and watch the film.

#What clues does the music in the trailer give of what genre the film is going to be?

The dull music shows us that the film is most definately going to be a horror or thriller. These two film genres share codes and conventions especially in the music when they both include tense high pitched or very low pitched sounds. There are also many squeeking noises throughout the trailer.

How does the speed of what we see compare to watching a clip from a film? Why is this? Does the speed alter through the trailer or stay the same?

The tempo is much quicker in the trailer compared to what we would see in the movie, especially nearing the end of the sequence where the shot speeds increase dramatically. Furthermore the quick snappy shots heighten audience anticipation.

What information are we given at the very last frame of the trailer?

We are shown who produces the film and the main executives for it. This heightens audience anticipation and if the producers are well known, heightens audience anticipation along with the corporate logos at the bottom.

Analysing a trailer - The American

At what point of the trailer are we told the name of the film? why is this?
We are told the name of the film right at the end of the trailer. The name of the film is shown to the audience by using credits. Credits may be used to let the trailer or the film to speak for itself instead of having the typical voice over. The name of the film comes in the end in credit form because it lets the audience watch the whole trailer and let the footage entice the audience.
Why are we told who is starring in the film? how is this information given to us? why?
We are told the name of the actors or actresses in films because the artist sells the film to a certain extent. When a well known popular and seen in a positive light through other media aspects stars in a film it is likely the film will get good ratings and people will want to watch the film solely because they trust the actor perform within the film. George Clooney is the artist starring in this film, the information of the actor is given to us half way through the trailer in credits again to let the name of the artist speak for itself and because all the credits show is the name it shows and outlines the power of this actors name (George Clooney) .
What type of action from the film do we see?

This screen shot of a scene shown in the trailer expresses the action within the film and we see the film has something to do with guns which the audience can assume what the film will be about and what the roll of this character will be.

These two screen shots from the trailer come one after the other this expresses that the film has romance as well as action. the first screen shot shows the femininity of the woman and the second shows the masculinity of the man ad how both sexes are different this allows the audience to already start thinking of what may happen between the two characters in the narrative.
What clues does the music give us as to what type of film the trailer is advertising?
The music in the film trailer is very repetitive and mysterious, up until half way through the trailer where the music turns more upbeat and adventurous which can suggest that the scenes shown at the same time of the music are how the film is going at that point. The music at the start comprises with the action genre and the mystery of possibly an agent however when the music changes it starts to represent the other types of genres that the film can be such as thriller, drama and romance.
How does the speed of what we see compare to watching a clip from a film? Why is this? Does the speed alter through the trailer or stay the same?
The speed of what we see is to show and signify the tempo of the movie in this trailer its a slow and anticipating speed in between shots and the music this is different from watching a clip from a film because we are not seeing all the action just the main parts which may have a good effect on the audience. This is done because a trailer should be short and enticing as opposed to the movie which should be longer and slower. The speed does not alter through the trailer we are given a slow pace throughout the trailer.
What information are we given at the very last frame of the trailer?
In the last frame of the trailer we are shown the title of the movie this can be seen as advertisment for the movie because the audience watching the trailer will remember the title of the movie shown and possibly advertise it themselves using word of mouth.

What is more important images or words?

I think that the images within film posters give away more of an idea about the film and have a higher representation about the film. The reason i think the images are more effective is because words can have double meanings and not all words will set the genre which is very important for a film, For example "Case 39" sounds like a crime or thriller however the film is a horror. With the image of case 39 we can get an idea that it may be horror with the glow and the dark background.

In conclusion I think that the images are more effective then words and every film poster must rely on its images to represent the film and its genre as opposed to the words.

Case 39

''Case 39'' Is a title that uses clear codes and conventions of film titles. It uses bold and bright wrighting to hook the audience into the film because the brighter and bolder the text is the more eye catching it becomes to an audience and it uses a clever san serif font to suggest it is either a thriller or horror movie. The name chosen is also a clever one because it suggests a haunting presence witch is shown more in the strapline as opposed to the title however the title its self is very clever as it could have two meanings and be taken in different ways. Something has happened 38 times before? This clearly shows how effective film titles are because if you had just heard of the title without seeing it you would have suggested it had something to do with police and has more of a "CSI" effect to it instead of being a horror film.ething to do with the police or judiciary but it shows it is something completely different when you get a visual

Monday 13 September 2010

Let Me In

Let me in features many codes and convetions of film titles in the media. One of these is being big and bold. This is used to attract the target audience. Furthermore ''let me in'' also shares a common code and convention from horror movie genres which is to use the colours red and black. These are particullary effective colours to use for a horror movie because they are associated with dark and otherwordly things such as vampires of even simply the dark. Furthermore the font used appears to be rather menacing which also suggests to the audience that this is a horror movie. Once again this shows the effectivness of film titles and it is important that we look into more horror movies as are on is going to be based on this genre.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

September introduction

In this year of media a2 we have formed a group of three which consists of me, Gramoz Abazi - and Dylan Martinez - we have formed this group because we will be creating a trailer together and all members of the group have different qualities and skills they can bring to the group.

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Preliminary Task

The preliminary task was to create a short video using many editing conventions such as different angles and shot types,. We did this task to help us learn how to use the cameras and to learn about editing techniques in a more practical way. This task also helps the groups learn and understand how to use iMovie and all the aspects within iMovie such as effects, how to use cuts, and how to change scenes e.g. using a dissolve.

The video we created was meant to be based football. My group decided to video it as a competition such as soccer am. The main aim of the video was to use different editing techniques within the video.

Below is the video we created:

Below is two screen shot of the camera shots we used during the video:

The above images show a long shot used within our video this was used to emphasis the whole scene and to bring in other characters. The shot was also used from left to right because the ball is then shot out of the screen and the next shot shows the ball coming in from the left this is matching the scene, the second shot shows the ball coming in from the left.

From this task we learnt how to use cameras more effectively and how to use camera angles, lighting and positioning to good effect.

Friday 9 July 2010

Wednesday 7 July 2010


In the AS year of A levels for media studies I created a blog based on a music magazine I created. The blog included many things such as the magazine its self, preliminary tasks and evaluations. For the A2 year of media studies we will again be creating a blog, this blog will be based on creating a horror film trailer. The blog will include more advanced evaluations, more preliminary tasks and any ideas that may need to be put down to show that I understand the concepts of editing and filming.