Wednesday 15 September 2010

Case 39

''Case 39'' Is a title that uses clear codes and conventions of film titles. It uses bold and bright wrighting to hook the audience into the film because the brighter and bolder the text is the more eye catching it becomes to an audience and it uses a clever san serif font to suggest it is either a thriller or horror movie. The name chosen is also a clever one because it suggests a haunting presence witch is shown more in the strapline as opposed to the title however the title its self is very clever as it could have two meanings and be taken in different ways. Something has happened 38 times before? This clearly shows how effective film titles are because if you had just heard of the title without seeing it you would have suggested it had something to do with police and has more of a "CSI" effect to it instead of being a horror film.ething to do with the police or judiciary but it shows it is something completely different when you get a visual

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