Wednesday 15 September 2010

Analysing a trailer - The American

At what point of the trailer are we told the name of the film? why is this?
We are told the name of the film right at the end of the trailer. The name of the film is shown to the audience by using credits. Credits may be used to let the trailer or the film to speak for itself instead of having the typical voice over. The name of the film comes in the end in credit form because it lets the audience watch the whole trailer and let the footage entice the audience.
Why are we told who is starring in the film? how is this information given to us? why?
We are told the name of the actors or actresses in films because the artist sells the film to a certain extent. When a well known popular and seen in a positive light through other media aspects stars in a film it is likely the film will get good ratings and people will want to watch the film solely because they trust the actor perform within the film. George Clooney is the artist starring in this film, the information of the actor is given to us half way through the trailer in credits again to let the name of the artist speak for itself and because all the credits show is the name it shows and outlines the power of this actors name (George Clooney) .
What type of action from the film do we see?

This screen shot of a scene shown in the trailer expresses the action within the film and we see the film has something to do with guns which the audience can assume what the film will be about and what the roll of this character will be.

These two screen shots from the trailer come one after the other this expresses that the film has romance as well as action. the first screen shot shows the femininity of the woman and the second shows the masculinity of the man ad how both sexes are different this allows the audience to already start thinking of what may happen between the two characters in the narrative.
What clues does the music give us as to what type of film the trailer is advertising?
The music in the film trailer is very repetitive and mysterious, up until half way through the trailer where the music turns more upbeat and adventurous which can suggest that the scenes shown at the same time of the music are how the film is going at that point. The music at the start comprises with the action genre and the mystery of possibly an agent however when the music changes it starts to represent the other types of genres that the film can be such as thriller, drama and romance.
How does the speed of what we see compare to watching a clip from a film? Why is this? Does the speed alter through the trailer or stay the same?
The speed of what we see is to show and signify the tempo of the movie in this trailer its a slow and anticipating speed in between shots and the music this is different from watching a clip from a film because we are not seeing all the action just the main parts which may have a good effect on the audience. This is done because a trailer should be short and enticing as opposed to the movie which should be longer and slower. The speed does not alter through the trailer we are given a slow pace throughout the trailer.
What information are we given at the very last frame of the trailer?
In the last frame of the trailer we are shown the title of the movie this can be seen as advertisment for the movie because the audience watching the trailer will remember the title of the movie shown and possibly advertise it themselves using word of mouth.

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