Monday 11 October 2010

How "The Ring" trailer correlates with my work

I uploaded the ring trailer because me and my group have planned on having a young girl as our main character. I felt that the trailer of the ring may be appropriate because and my group will be able to take camera techniques of how they have made the girl look "scary", i also felt that it could help us understand more about costume and different props we may be able to use. I believe that the trailer alone could help my group create a narrative and give us many ideas on how we can make the young girl our main protagonist.

I took the image above off the trailer for The Ring this is a snapshot of the young girl and the main character which is meant to bring fear into the film. the fact that The Ring was able to do this with a young girl was amazing as the stereotypes of Young girls are the complete opposite as to what the young girl in The Ring is. I think this will be useful for me because my group has decided that our film trailer which we will be creating will be based on a young girl. i used this particular snapshot because i thought it created a sense of danger as we see in the girls face and thought this will be appropriate for me as me and my group can take notes of the costume and colours in the backgrounds and possibly work that into our own production.

the URL above is a link to a website which gives the narrative/synopsis of the story to The Ring I have included this because i thought it would be good for my production as my group can take ideas and use ideas of the storyline and possibly embed that within our trailer and different scenes.

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