Wednesday 5 January 2011


Evaluation question 4

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

To help asses the effectiveness of our trailer i posted the trailer on youtube to gather some feedback and also posted our other ancillary texts onto facebook to get an understanding of what different audiences on a wider level think of our trailer and movie idea. We decided to use facebook and youtube to gain audience feedback as it reaches out to a much wider audience as opposed to just our target audience.

Below shows the feedback from facebook, and youtube. The feedback was positive which gives us good hopes about the movie and believe that the whole production was a success. the facebook feedback shows how the layout of facebook is used to promote and see what the audiences think and how many people can like the page which shows how many fans the movie is getting just off this one page showing a positive audience feedback. The youtube feedback shows what the audiences think of the trailer itself and how the trailer has been successful.

Considering all the pieces of audience feedback it is clear that me and my group have created a successful media campaign for a movie by creating a trailer, poster and magazine. The feedback showed that the trailer created anticipation for the release of the movie which essentially is the main target of the trailer therefore we was successful in doing the right things with the trailer and the other forms of promotion. Despite all the positive feedback i believe that not enough people expressed there views on it whcih could lead to failure however i believe me and my group have done a good job in creating a film publicity campaign.

Friday 17 December 2010

evaluation question 3

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage?

I have used media technologies very effectively throughout my production. technology was used throughout the whole production planning and even the evaluation. Technology was mostly used within the production as there were many different types of technology we had to use to produce our trailer, one of the main technologies we used for the trailer was imovie to create the sequence and put all the scenes and music in the right places to create the final teaser trailer for our film production. The trailer needed many other technologies to be used to create the final product these technologies also include garageband on the apple imac computers to help us create certain sounds we needed such as a kick drum and high pitched strings.

Within the research and planning section is where I began to use blogger much more and blogger itself is one of the main technologies I used in this section it was very helpful as I could simply keep track of what I have researched and could blog what the research meant. Blogger also alowed me to plan for my production by using other internet websites such as google to gather information on genre and teaser trailers which helped me plan for the trailer I created. The research and planning section meant that I did much more individual research into props and mise en scene of the horror genre and searched the internet using websites such as youtube to find existing horror films to help me and my group decide on what type of horror we will produce and what horror conventions we will include.

There were many different types of technologies used ranging from technological equipment to softwares and websites such as youtube and photoshop. These technologies helped me with taking the footage for my production and editing different types of ancillery texts such as our film poster on photoshop.

Media technologies were used throughout the whole project I believe I used it very effectively when it came to analysing different trailers such as "The American" and "The Grudge 2". Technology played a big part in this as it would show me how to use different technologies such as cameras for the shooting of the video and effects used to develop the footage this helped me gain ideas for my production work and develop on real media forms.

below are both the URL's for the posts of the analysing of The American and The Grudge 2.

As opposed to all the technology softwares used there were many hardware technology items used within the stages of the production as we used a sony handy camcorder this was a useful piece of technology as it allowed me and my group to film our trailer. As well as a camcorder there was use of a tripod to help keep the shots still and steady to look more proffessional. we also used a digital camera to take pictures for evidence which helped within bot the research and planning and the evaluation sections.

One of the main types of technologies used was imovie on the apple mac computers which is a software which allows you to upload footage and edit it by cuttin scenes adding effects and music it also allows you to cut the scenes and work the music with all the shots and the cuts.

Overall media technologies were used within all the stages and was very important to the completion of all the stages of the research and planning, evaluation and production. youtube was used to upload the trailer and promote the film acorss a worldwide market. After using all the different media technologies we managed to create a good film poster, magazine and most important a proffessional and well made trailer.

Thursday 16 December 2010

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

I believe that the combination of my Main product the trailer and my ancillary texts which is the film poster and the film magazine combined very well with each other. I feel that an obvious link is made between the themes of the genre and the conventions of all the media products. The main product shows a good outline of the horror genre and i believe that this is clearly shown in the film poster.

Below is a URL of a previous post showing the film poster for the campaign.

Evaluation Question 1 (Part 2)

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Evaluation Question 1 (Part 1)

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media:

My media product uses many forms and conventions of real media as our production is based on real media and how to develop on it and make it as real and as best we can. Some of the conventions we have used are production details, shots in different orders, footage that is not in the actual movie and audience certifications at the start of our trailer we have also used credits to explain the film slightly as we did not want to give away so much of the actual film in the trailer my group and me have also stuck to the conventions of film trailers by sticking to the length of a teaser trailer which is around a minute. Our video trailer production was meant to use and develop forms as opposed to challenging the conventions.

I also studied how other trailers are put in order and how different scenes of movies are used within the trailers to understand that once we had made a synopsis of a movie for ourselves it would not be as simple as just filming a short story and that there was certain conventions to follow for a trailer such as the fact that scenes in the trailer are not put in chronological order. My group has used many different conventions of a trailers within our trailer the conventions include the production details and an audience viewing certification. Our trailer also consists of differentiating shots and angles throughout all the different scenes of the trailer. Our media product more or less develops on conventions as our concept and ideas are similar to others within the market our films concept is revenge and is a psychological horror therefore have developed our trailer based on films such as the grudge and the ring which also are psychological horrors which contain the same types of antagonists and protagonists as our film idea and trailer production.

My production develops many forms of media as teaser trailers do not give a lot of the movie away as shown in previous posts where the trailers only give the audience a signification of characters and genre as opposed to giving away the story or the main plots and dilemmas in the film, Our production tries to develop this by showing shots of the film in different orders. My production also gives a strong sense of the genre this comes from the music used and different sound effects which follow the conventions of real media by using typical music and sound effects that represents the horror genre such as creaking doors, strings and wind noises, sounds are an effect way of setting a genre for a film or trailer for the audiences to get a sense of what type of film the trailer is trying to promote. This is shown in a previous post of the grudge trailer where strings are used effectively to set a scene and represent the genre of the film this is where our production has developed on real media as we have used different sounds shown in different trailers such as "The ring" and "The Grudge" and combined them in different scenes shown within our trailer to create a specific atmosphere.

below are URL's from previous posts i have done to express the ways in which i have developed real media in my production:

the URL above shows how i have used real media to help me decide a title and ensure that the title has relation to the horror genre and my production. this shows a develolment in real media as i have used to different films to improve apon the title I have chosen.

The above URL shows how I have tried to develop further on real media as i have analysed how The Ring correlates with my work this lets me understand how i can improve on my production based the improvements that could have been made in other films which in this case is The Ring

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Production Logo

to create a production logo was hard because we had to create a whole new idea and business logo for this to be at the beginning of our film trailer we created many different logos as shown below.
Above is the one we did not.
above was the one we chose and created for our production details