Wednesday 20 October 2010

Target Audience Profile

Above is a URL link to a target audience profile for a psychological horror. I have uploaded this URL because it links to what my group needs to do for our target audience profile for our potential audience and how we can go about writing it.

Our target audience is from the ages of 15 - 30+ as the certificate age of our film we be a 15+ film. we have chosen this age group because our horror production we are creating will be more of a psychological horror therefore we appeal to the older audiences with that aspect of the genre. We appeal to the younger audience because of the sheer horror aspects which most younger audiences look for in horrors to have a sense of fear and fright.

Our film production aims to a rather wide audience as we do not aim the film at any people of a certain class the film will be made for all types of people lower, middle and the ruling class as the film will have intelligence as an aspect because of the fact that its a psychological horror it also fulfills the main concepts of horror films which is to scare the audience.

Synopsis of "The Abandoned"

Synopsis for ‘The Abandoned’

Mr .George Smith and Janet Smith are living a perfectly normal life with their 10 year old daughter, Amy Smith. Everything is going well for them, with the parents enjoying a healthy relationship, a good lifestyle with both of them in a full time job which gives them both financial and social benefits. They have been living together in the house for 13 years in the city which they have spent a long time making as homely as possible both for themselves and for their daughter. One 16/10/1999 an unfortunate sequence of events led to the house catching fire, Sadly the parents were out as they break free from the monotony of the week by going out for dinner, leaving Amy alone in the house. Later that night Amy awakes to the smell of burning smoke. Looking around wide eyed she sees her room enveloped by dark smoke. Coughing as she leaves her room Amy notices there is no escape, at this moment a powerful rage takes over Amy, how could her parents abandon her?. Later that evening the fire brigade manage to pull Amy’s body out from the burning building, her face was emotionless and her eyes were still wide open. 16/10/2010 a young couple buy the old Smith residence, believeing it was the place to raise their unborn child, little did they know about the events that took place at the house 11 years ago. The young couple Jane and sebastien will have to withstand the eerie things that ocurr in the this house, they are physically and mentally terrorized by the evil re-incarnation of Amy smith.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

The Abandoned - Choosing a Title

Me and the rest of my group have come up with the idea to name our film "The Abandoned". We have chosen this name because it relates to the narrative of the movie therefore giving audiences a sense of what the film will be about which can essentially intrigue the target audience to our film production, this is much like "The grudge" which also gives a sense of the narrative away. We used the name "The Abandoned" because it was short and simple and it has something to do with the film ad the plot.

The abandoned as a title is good as it gives a sense of isolation to the audience which can essentially be seen as a concept of genre most characters within the horror films are isolated as seen in "The Ring" where the little girl is isolated within the video or even in other types of horrors such as slasher horrors where characters such as "Freddy Krueger" in "Nightmare on Elm Street".
This image from the "Nightmare on Elm Street" shows the isolation of the main character "Freddy Krueger"

The abandoned adds a fearful factor to the film because no human would like to be left abandoned therefore it gives a sense of fear for the audience and the fact that horror films can show barley anything within a scene and still can be scary and add a fear to the film as shown in "Paranormal activity" where very little is shown but still adds fear to the scene.
This screen grab from the trailer of "Paranormal Activity" shows very little happening in the scene but adds a weary effect to the trailer which fundamentally can entice the audience and create fear.

Monday 11 October 2010

How "The Ring" trailer correlates with my work

I uploaded the ring trailer because me and my group have planned on having a young girl as our main character. I felt that the trailer of the ring may be appropriate because and my group will be able to take camera techniques of how they have made the girl look "scary", i also felt that it could help us understand more about costume and different props we may be able to use. I believe that the trailer alone could help my group create a narrative and give us many ideas on how we can make the young girl our main protagonist.

I took the image above off the trailer for The Ring this is a snapshot of the young girl and the main character which is meant to bring fear into the film. the fact that The Ring was able to do this with a young girl was amazing as the stereotypes of Young girls are the complete opposite as to what the young girl in The Ring is. I think this will be useful for me because my group has decided that our film trailer which we will be creating will be based on a young girl. i used this particular snapshot because i thought it created a sense of danger as we see in the girls face and thought this will be appropriate for me as me and my group can take notes of the costume and colours in the backgrounds and possibly work that into our own production.

the URL above is a link to a website which gives the narrative/synopsis of the story to The Ring I have included this because i thought it would be good for my production as my group can take ideas and use ideas of the storyline and possibly embed that within our trailer and different scenes.

The Ring Official Trailer HQ

Above is the film trailer to the horror film "The ring". The trailer shows a slight narrative of the film and gives the audience scenes where the horror concepts plays. the trailer uses credits to establish more of an adult feel to it as opposed to having a voice over which may take the appeal away from its older target audience.

Further concepts of genre

In this Microsoft word presentation I outlined some of the different concepts within the horror genre. The diagram was meant to give a short and simple idea of basic concepts of horror, the presentation will be used to give me a good idea and understanding on concepts so i can therefore use in my own trailer production. The diagram included examples of past horror films such as "Frankenstein" and included music features and what types of soundtracks may be appropriate.