Wednesday 5 January 2011


Evaluation question 4

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

To help asses the effectiveness of our trailer i posted the trailer on youtube to gather some feedback and also posted our other ancillary texts onto facebook to get an understanding of what different audiences on a wider level think of our trailer and movie idea. We decided to use facebook and youtube to gain audience feedback as it reaches out to a much wider audience as opposed to just our target audience.

Below shows the feedback from facebook, and youtube. The feedback was positive which gives us good hopes about the movie and believe that the whole production was a success. the facebook feedback shows how the layout of facebook is used to promote and see what the audiences think and how many people can like the page which shows how many fans the movie is getting just off this one page showing a positive audience feedback. The youtube feedback shows what the audiences think of the trailer itself and how the trailer has been successful.

Considering all the pieces of audience feedback it is clear that me and my group have created a successful media campaign for a movie by creating a trailer, poster and magazine. The feedback showed that the trailer created anticipation for the release of the movie which essentially is the main target of the trailer therefore we was successful in doing the right things with the trailer and the other forms of promotion. Despite all the positive feedback i believe that not enough people expressed there views on it whcih could lead to failure however i believe me and my group have done a good job in creating a film publicity campaign.