Tuesday 13 July 2010

Preliminary Task

The preliminary task was to create a short video using many editing conventions such as different angles and shot types,. We did this task to help us learn how to use the cameras and to learn about editing techniques in a more practical way. This task also helps the groups learn and understand how to use iMovie and all the aspects within iMovie such as effects, how to use cuts, and how to change scenes e.g. using a dissolve.

The video we created was meant to be based football. My group decided to video it as a competition such as soccer am. The main aim of the video was to use different editing techniques within the video.

Below is the video we created:

Below is two screen shot of the camera shots we used during the video:

The above images show a long shot used within our video this was used to emphasis the whole scene and to bring in other characters. The shot was also used from left to right because the ball is then shot out of the screen and the next shot shows the ball coming in from the left this is matching the scene, the second shot shows the ball coming in from the left.

From this task we learnt how to use cameras more effectively and how to use camera angles, lighting and positioning to good effect.

Friday 9 July 2010

Wednesday 7 July 2010


In the AS year of A levels for media studies I created a blog based on a music magazine I created. The blog included many things such as the magazine its self, preliminary tasks and evaluations. For the A2 year of media studies we will again be creating a blog, this blog will be based on creating a horror film trailer. The blog will include more advanced evaluations, more preliminary tasks and any ideas that may need to be put down to show that I understand the concepts of editing and filming.